» » » NWA 17217 (83.34 gram)

NWA 17217 (83.34 gram)

2500 $

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[ Meteoritical Bulletin Database ]


Classification: Lunar feldspathic breccia
Place/Time: 2023 in Rio de Oro, Western Sahara
Mass: 300 gram

Specimen was found in the same area like other paired lunars Rabt Sbayta 002, 004, 005, 006.
Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 8222 and pairs

Specimen looked like completly covered by fussion crust while all other paired Rabt Sbayta specimens was completly sandblasted without crust. Inside its most similar to NWA 11212 or Rabt Sbayta 002.
Specimen were cut into very thin slices of 1.4 mm thickness and covered with paraloid for better contrast. The slices are not prepared or polished, but because I used 0.12 mm wire, the saw marks are very hard to see.



There is one cool thing I discovered about this material. After checking if it glows under UV light I noticed that the inclusions show photoluminescence for about 1 second after exposure.